Monday 16 June 2014

My proposal story

I've never met a guy that appreciates a lady being on his case. Guys treat such ladies poorly. Any appearance of desperation irks a man. Majority may freak out or lose serious interest when a lady comes on to them. If a guy likes you and you're too available sef, wahala. Do you now think you should be asking a guy out? My sister, you really like a guy and want him as yours? Don't dull, drop hints! If he gets the idea and comes for you, good, if not, his loss. Much better than being treated badly or rejected. A smile, kindness, compliments would go a long way in getting him thinking "this babe could make a good partner" and get him interested. More on this? Kindly consult google, Sister Anu is too holy for that. Lol. Men are hunters and love to chase. Everyone appreciates something earned than one gotten freely. I believe that applies here too. Some ladies that go into marriage via this route live with being told how cheap they are or "at least I never asked you to marry me". Don't sell yourself cheap. An article I read says three-fourths of Americans say it's acceptable for women to propose but only 5% of married couples say the woman proposed and the figure is no higher than couples wedded in the last 10 years. So where are the "pro-women should propose"?
Genesis 2:18 "Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him." Are you with your proposal helping him choose you as his help mate?
Ruth proposed to Boaz in Ruth 3:9 "He said, "Who are you?" She replied, "I am Ruth, your servant. Marry your servant, for you are a guardian of the family interests." Women proposing to men break social standards. It is only a good idea if you and the man in question are not traditional, don't like to be tied down by others' opinions, you have a lot of guts and you're both ready. There are no hard or fast rules here. If you're already dating a guy and you want to get to take it to the next level, be sure he'll appreciate you proposing and he is ready for it. We're not their yet but with time, the idea of women proposing may become psychologically and socially acceptable. At the end, it really doesn't matter who proposed as long as they are happily married. Am I an advocate of women proposing? No.
Thanks for reading again. Hope you had a good Fathers' Day celebration yesterday. Xoxo
The brave virtuous woman that proposed and also has a book of the Bible named after her 


  1. When you say ladies should walk away from anything that doesn't serve them or make them may look positive at first,but think about it a bit's selfishness disguised as self respect which is the most common cause of adultery by divorce and pure adultery/extra marital affairs.
    I am not saying women or men should endure hurt ,destroying themselves,but both men and women should be guided by the selfless love of Lord Jesus Christ,then they will respect the Godly institution of marriage.

    1. When it comes to choosing a spouse, "selfishness" is allowed. One's happiness is very paramount. This post has to do with people unmarried so adultery and divorce is out of context. We spoke on divorce earlier. Please check "till death do us part"

    2. Ya,i agree in choosing spouse it may be true,but after that in married life?....Anyway bye for now...Tc ..God Bless You...

    3. Ya,i agree in choosing spouse it may be true,but after that in married life?....Anyway bye for now...Tc ..God Bless You...

  2. I couldn't comment on your blog/email you as i couldn't sign in to my gmail account for about 3 weeks.I will be busy with work/study for next 7-8 months,so see you next year.Hope your blog will stay "alive" then,May God bless you and give you success

    1. All the very best, see you next year by God's grace

  3. Before parting i would like to share with you the revelation that God gave me regarding head covering of women in public christian meetings(1Corinthian11:1-16)-

    This is the meaning of scriptures from 1Corinthians11:1-16-The natural glorious state of Man is without covering(with short hair) which points to the supernatural/spiritual reality that man reflects glory of Lord Jesus Christ(glory of God) and therefore man doesn't require a covering in front of God.

    Likewise a woman's natural glorious state is with a covering(her long hair) which points to the supernatural/spiritual reality that woman reflects the glory of man which should be blocked/covered in the presence of God by a cap/veil.Full perfect covering is not required as it's meant to be a symbol of authority.For this reason and because of angels(angels are servent spirits of God,sent out to help those who are being saved and angels like to look into things of the church) women should have a symbol of authority on their heads in the form of a cap/veil covering-v.10

    So every women who pray/prophesy(preach) without covering their head with veil/cap dishonor her head- husband,God and angels.It's same as being shaven because dishonor in supernatural/spiritual points back to dishonor in the natural-which means women has to cut all her hair with scissors(shorn) or razor(shave)-v5,6.
    Likewise everyman who bring dishonor in the spiritual by covering his head by cap/veil should also have long hairs,since dishonor in the spiritual ,points back to dishonor in the natural.

  4. The farthest I would go is to smile, pass compliments, be the first to greet and any other form of ''first moves or green lightening*'' and let him take it from there. Else his loss, not mine. And I can only make a maximum of two of these gestures at a time.

    1. Yes o, his loss. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord." We are "good things" that attract favour, what are they again?

    2. Yes o, his loss. "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord." We are "good things" that attract favour, what are they again?

  5. So true! Guys appreciate 'hard to gets' just don't over do it. That's d reason y I appreciate my wife (my tom tom *winks*) till date although she did me plenty shakara but ahe's worth every bit of d stress.

  6. So true! Guys appreciate 'hard to gets' just don't over do it. That's d reason y I appreciate my wife (my tom tom *winks*) till date although she did me plenty shakara but ahe's worth every bit of d stress.

  7. well, I do understand the part of small shakara from the woman but sincerely my wife did not play hard to get for me oh. That does not make me look down on her or not appreciate her as i ought to. She is my angel, precious jewel, sweetie bunny. different strokes for different folks. However i still strongly that the man does the proposal and the way around.


I refuse to be biased and judgemental. I look at issues from both sides of the coin, form my conclusions and allow you do same. Hopefully we can put ourselves straight in love.
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