Saturday 12 July 2014

What you need to know about #Teamnaturalhair

So Adenike of  Denike's blog was kind enough to write in from Italy. Whoop whoop! I always ran to her for advice when I began my transition from perm to natural. Her hair is so beautiful and she has a unique dress style. Vintage, edgy and cool. Something like Solange's, only that she doesn't wear some of Solange's style we don't understand. She really does stand out. Please make sure to read to the end. I have some information you may love. Continue to read (and enjoy) the questions posed to her and her response.

1. Name, Location/City, Age (optional), and occupation.
2.How long have you been wearing your natural hair? What’s your texture and length?
3.What is your hair regimen? What are your staple products and how do you use them?
4.How do you know when your hair needs moisture and how can you tell when your hair is moisturized?
5.What is Shrinkage to you? How do you embrace or prevent shrinkage?
6.What are your daily styles and what are your nightly routines to maintain the style?
7.What frustrations and mistakes did you have/make during your journey?
8.Have you fully embraced your hair texture? If yes, how did you come to that acceptance?
9.You have ten minutes to get ready, what will be your go-to hair style?
10. How has your natural hair affected your style, if at all?

1. Denike Adegboye. Milan, Italy. Student.
2. A year, 6 months. 7 inches (approximately). 4C
3. Deep condition once a week (concoction: deep conditioner plus olive oil, honey and any thing I can lay my hands on. Can range from eggs to melted Shea butter)
Staple products: Motions and Organics range (shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, carrot oil), Shea butter, Goya olive oil.

4. If there's no moisture, my hair matts up and shrinks with a crunchy feel to it. When It's moisturized, it weeks fluffy and bouncy.
5. Shrinkage is unavoidable. Manageable But unavoidable. I usually (when I'm not too lazy) twist or braid my hair before bed so I can have stretched curly hair in the morning.
6. Twist/braid outs.
7. Dyeing my hair when it was way shorter. It has grown out. Now I have a two toned hair in the weirdest colours (2 brown, wine 33)
8. Yes I have. Knowing It's mine (hate it or love it), It's mine. I realise what it needs (moisture) and I feed it as necessary.
9. A puff - easiest go to easiest to style.

10. It makes need stand out. Everyone wants to look at the babe with the fro. :D

Speaking on why I went natural.

I never really planned it out per se. I had short straight hair in a Mohawk type of thing and my hair was thinning out and all tangled up. I wanted a fresh start. So I woke up one morning, carried my 
clipper to the barber's and chopped it all off. It wasn't so premeditated.
I got a lot of laughs from some of my friends and family but slowly it started looking better. I then 
decided not to use relaxers in my hair anymore. I followed it through and here we are

The challenges of being natural. Especially for my hair type, it has to be moisture and the tendency to tangle so easily. With straight hair you can just run a comb through it and leave your house but with natural hair you have to put more effort. But It's totally worth it, by the way.

People love my hair.
When I comb it out to big fro, people never believe It's not a wig. My mum told me never to relax my hair cos maybe I have found my niche. Spent about 5 years looking for it.

I totally agree with mommy, I also loved your short brave hair. Thank you so so much Denike. Hopefully, anyone that is scared or sceptical about joining the natural hair team can forget her fears and get on with the change. Have you ever heard anyone regret being natural? It however isn't easy at the beginning. Nothing good comes easy right? Big welcome to Lami who just joined the locs family.
I apologise if I have uploaded your photo on my blog without your approval, I am celebrating you and inspiring myself and others by it. Thank you.
A big thank you to everyone that messages me everyday. Please don't be shy to drop a comment on the blog and share with your loved ones. They deserve to be part of this fun :D 
We're getting featured in the August edition of a growing magazine. Hopefully, we'll have a few free copies for some blog visitors.
There is an avenue for us to give to Orphans in early August. Foodstuffs, beverages, used but neat children's clothes, cots, baths, books, toys, bag/lunch boxes. (New items and cash are also welcomed.) The list is inexhaustive. Nothing is too small/much. Kindly share with your kind hearted loved ones. May God continue to bless us all. To get involved, please message me on Thanks for reading. Xoxo, Anuoluwapo


  1. Natural hair is d next big thing & the bigger thing is that guys love girls on natural hair cos itt's pocket friendly among other reasons. LOL.

  2. I believe one of the problem we have in this part of the world is our imitation attitude. Some work place don't accept you going on Natural Afro and Locks unless you plan on fixing weave on it.

    Would have gone natural a long time ago, but I'm not yet my own boss.

    1. Unfortunately we are not taught to embrace ourselves and our roots. Very few bosses are not ignorant in this regard

  3. Did the big chop some weeks ago. Havent fully decided on whether or not to go natural, but I'm tempted. Seriously tempted! And I think it might be best for my soft hair type.

    1. Give in, give in! It won't be easy or look pretty at first but it'll be worth it


I refuse to be biased and judgemental. I look at issues from both sides of the coin, form my conclusions and allow you do same. Hopefully we can put ourselves straight in love.
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