Saturday 2 August 2014

Anuchef: My sexy efo riro

My bloghearts, how was your first day of August? I'm here with my efo riro recipe as promised. I love it so much and everyone I make it for asks for more or to learn. A friend said it adds 5yards to one's wife material. Lol, is it efo you'll cook everyday? If you don't already know, efo is vegetables like spinach. The yorubas call it efo riro when you stew it and put all sorts I think. You can put in whatever you like. No hard or fast rules.

Ata rodo
Palm oil
Goat meat
Seasoning cubes

I had my goat meat cut into small pieces. I also had my vegetables cut at the market. Don't mind the my efo is sexier than yours impression I'm giving. The difference that may be between our recipes is that I do not blend my tomato and pepper. I cut them all. If it takes one hour, so be it. Wash your veggies well, you don't want to add sand-sand to your wife Also, veggies shrink and release water while cooking so don't add water until it's almost done and you feel you need water in it. Oil makes it look very good but it also makes it unhealthy. I try not to use so much oil.

1. Boil your beef, shaki, goat meat and ponmo with onions and spice like you usually do. I spice with curry, thyme, atale, cinnamon powder, seasoning cubes and garlic. I parboil my ponmo to rid the foul smell. I cut it into small pieces when it's done.
2. Heat your palm oil. I don't bleach. Add onions, beef, shaki, goat meat, ponmo, tomato, ata rodo, garlic.
4. Spice after about 4/5minutes and leave to cook. This helps reduce the number of minutes the vegetables will stay on fire.
5. Add your vegetables and stir. Put on low heat and leave to simmer till it's done. Make sure not to overcook.

I assure you it tastes really nice and yes, i'll make for you only if you pay my bride price. I'm sorry I don't have step by step photos. It's really easy to make. Questions? Holla! Hopefully, i'll get Tosin or Kunbi to give us their locust bean sauce recipe.


  1. I am more interested in eating this your efo riro than learning jare. The taste of the pudding is in the eating. i need to eat it oh.

    1. You have to be the blogheart of the month! I've not even shared the post and you're here. Bless your heart.
      Can I tell the hubby that you want to pay my bride price?lol

  2. Ahhhh. Bride Price ke? It haff not rish like dat na. Hubby shall not hear oh. joor oh. I know i will win the blogheart of the month by fire by force.

  3. So you can cook? Lol. What is atale pls?

    1. Don't insult me please, i'm too sophisticated for that. Even google had to send your comment to

    2. Atale is a different kind of red pepper. Instead of buying fake/diluted ata gungun (dry grounded pepper). I buy and blend. You can find it in local markets


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